Sunday, October 29, 2006

August/September Update

Ambria had a successful visit. She wrote stories on each of the children served by Little Hands and created a powerpoint presentation to be sent to the Stateside director of the organization. She was also able to submit an article on tourism to the publication Honduras This Week which appeared online.
During her time here, we ran fairly frequently. Vanessa, a fifteen year old orphan in the church, would often come with us. Vanessa lives with her 84 year old grandmother who is quite possessive of her to the point that she rarely is allowed to leave the house. As the result of some convincing, she was permitted to enjoy a few hours outside of the home, running and learning to swim.

During the month of August, I taught a ladies’ seminar on holiness. Ladies’ church attendance is very inconsistent. After having prepared all week, I was discouraged at the beginning of the month when just a few of the women arrived 20-30 minutes late. By the third week, 25 people were in attendance (15 women and 10 kids!). During and after the lesson the fourth and final week, tears fell. It’s not very often that you see a Honduran woman crying. I was encouraged to see the Lord working in the hearts of these women and to hear the sincerity of their prayers pleading for God to continue to change them.
*Pray that these women would continue to seek and see God in a new way.
*Pray that I would discern if it is God’s will for me to teach consistently.
*Praise God that a women’s group from a church in Georgia has decided to partner with me and send books and materials for the ladies’ class in the months to come!

The following Monday, the young adult singing group rehearsed. The power went out during the rehearsal which helped to create an atmosphere that we don’t normally experience during worship. We began to rehearse a difficult 4-part song that I honestly never expected to come together and it locked in and sounded beautiful. When I heard a mission group from the States sing the song for the first time, it made me cry. For our little musically uneducated group to recreate that, was pretty amazing.
We sang for the evangelistic campaign in the Buenos Aires church Sept 7-9. Altogether there were 12 baptisms and reconciliations.

During kids’ class last week, Johnny (the maintenance worker) and I presented a short drama depicting the story of Samson and Dalila. To my surprise, the kids went wild. Ahead of time, they were asking if they could be a part of the drama and were upset that they were unable to be in it. When they saw Johnny, they began chanting, “Samson, Samson!” Then, I entered and they shouted, “Dalila, Dalila!” I felt like I was on a talk show or that I was some famous actor. Through this, I discovered that they are huge fans of dramas, which is great for me as a performance arts teacher. I now have a better idea of activities to do with the kids.
*Pray that the kids would continue to be inspired to learn about God’s word.

The youth group from the Limonal church of Christ (and I) will be attending the Central American Youth Conference at the Baxter Institute in Tegucigalpa, Sept 14-18. They are currently preparing a drama to present at the conference. Last year, the group from Trujillo won several awards, including Best Costume and Runner Up in the male soccer competition.

Please pray for the ministry Little Hands Big Hearts. We are facing several challenges at present due to the change in leadership. At times it’s difficult to know what my role is as a young, single, female, foreigner. This tension causes me to question my purpose and effectiveness here and my future plans.
*Please pray that I would feel peace and purpose and that I would listen for where the Lord would lead me.

There have been many moments in which I have felt a rise in my spirit that can only be explained by the prayers of others. I appreciate all of you who take the time to pray for me and the ministry and are sensitive to promptings. They make a difference.

In Him,



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