Thursday, June 22, 2006

Returning "Home"

Home: I'm not sure where home is anymore. When I joke about being homeless, the people around me remind me that, really, I have many homes: homes in Northern Michigan, homes in Rochester, homes in Detroit, homes in Honduras. It's been nice not having a house of my own to worry about. When I'm visiting someone, I'm all there. I'm not thinking about things I have to clean or meals I have to prepare; I am simply able to relax and enjoy the company of whomever I'm with.

Though my time in the States has been wonderful, I am heading back to Honduras on Sunday. Though in many ways having homes in two countries is a blessing, it can also lead to a feeling of unrest because I don't feel like I 100% belong in any one place. This year will be one of great transition as there have been many significant changes for me personally and for the ministry with which I have been working. My best friend got married and will not be returning to Honduras with me, all five of the other workers from the US will have returned to the US, there is a new director and my ministry role will be changing.

On one hand this time of change is exciting as I look forward to a new stage in my journey; however, on the other hand I feel like I am entering my own personal desert. I know I will be changed when I come out on the other side, but the struggle in the meantime will be difficult. For the coming year, I'm glad I have the hope that comes from knowing that the Lord will walk beside me. I will keep you posted as the steps unfold...


Blogger Beth Bowers said...

You can add "home in Lansing" now, too. I know God will use you in a mighty way this year, and He will teach you lessons about trusting Him. Can't wait to see you in December!

8:04 PM  

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